Greens call for Defence Housing Australia to front up Senate Inquiry following alleged unlawful clearing at Lee Point


Works have been paused at Lee Point in the Northern Territory to allow Defence Housing Australia to investigate allegations of land being cleared without all necessary approvals.

Ahead of this alleged unlawful clearing, the Greens called for the Minister for Environment to intervene and stop the bulldozers at Lee Point.

Greens spokesperson for the environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Unlawful conduct by a Federal Government agency is entirely unacceptable. If allegations that Defence Housing Australia has illegally cleared land are found to be true, development at Lee Point can under no circumstances be allowed to continue.

“The Greens will seek to call Defence Housing Australia before the Senate inquiry into Australia’s extinction crisis. The disaster unfolding at Lee Point and the role of the Australian Government in accelerating the extinction crisis must be thoroughly examined.

“Old growth trees at Lee Point are home for 270 bird species, including the endangered gouldian finch. I have previously called on the Environment Minister to protect this precious wildlife, and the latest development of alleged law breaking makes it all the more urgent.

“The local community and the Larrakia traditional owners in Darwin have been strongly opposed to this development, and DHA’s conduct at Lee Point has proven their concerns right. Our environment laws are not strong enough to stop needless, illegal destruction.

“Trees hundreds of years old have been bulldozed, and cannot be replaced. If a government agency can illegally clear critical habitat regardless of the consequences, how can Australians have any faith in the regulation of the mining industry, the logging industry and big developers?

“We will not achieve zero extinctions while governments continue to sanction destruction of critical habitat. The destruction at Lee Point is a direct threat to endangered species in Darwin’s last wildlife corridor.

“People expect the Environment Minister to protect the environment, not approve destruction. I urge the Minister to step in and stop this tragedy unfolding at Lee Point once and for all.”