1000 days waiting for a federal ICAC


The Greens have slammed the government for its thousand day failure to introduce a federal corruption watchdog, saying that the four-digit delay demonstrated that it couldn’t care less about taking action on corruption.

The Greens have a bill to establish a federal ICAC that has passed the Senate, and could be brought on for debate in the Lower House immediately, if the Government stopped blocking its passage. 

Lines from Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP:
“Every day that passes since the government promised a federal anti-corruption watchdog is a reminder of the contempt with which the Liberals hold our democracy,” Mr Bandt said. 

“In the thousand days since the Liberals made this promise, we’ve been hit by SportsRorts, Watergate, the Car Park Rorts and dodgy deals for gas donors. 

“People have watched the government get more brazen, cocky and corrupt, all while the hopes of a federal ICAC get dashed.

“Times up on the Prime Minister’s delays. Scott Morrison needs to end the rorts, and bring on a federal ICAC. 

“Governments of all stripes push back against corruption watchdogs because they’re terrified of what they may find. We need to kick the Liberals out, and put the Greens into balance of power where we can make sure that Labor introduces a federal ICAC with teeth.”

Lines from Australian Greens Democracy Spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters:
“One thousand days after promising Australians an anti-corruption body this government has nothing to show for it but deeply flawed legislation trapped in an endless cycle of review.

“It took 10 years of pressure by the Greens and civil society groups to get the government to accept the need for a corruption watchdog, but the PM is still spinning his wheels.

“Since they made that promise 1000 days ago the Senate has passed my National Integrity Commission bill, but the government has refused to allow it to be debated in the House.

“Perhaps that’s not surprising given that 12 of the 23 current members of his Cabinet have been implicated in integrity scandals!

“We need to clean up politics so we can be sure that politicians are working in the public interest, not the interests of their donors and their re-election campaigns.”