2030 targets must be law


As the climate corner that Scott Morrison has painted himself into grows smaller, the Greens say any attempt to spin 2030 targets that are neither legislated nor submitted at Glasgow as a binding NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) will only invite ridicule and slow down global climate progress.

The international pressure is building on Australia ahead of Glasgow to join every other developed nation who will submit updated, increased 2030 targets at the conference. 

Australia’s ‘fair share’ target, in line with the Paris goal of 1.5 degrees of warming, should be 75% by 2030. That’s the finding of the independent Climate Targets Panel, based on Climate Change Authority methodology.

There is a crucial difference between updating our official NDC for 2030 and legislating them, as opposed to just saying our projections have improved. The Greens are demanding that 2030 targets be both legislated and formally submitted at Glasgow as an NDC, as required by all countries under the Paris Agreement.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt:

“The world has lost all patience with Australia on climate. 

“Increased 2030 targets must be put into law and formally submitted at the Glasgow climate summit.

“As Scott Morrison scrambles to save face, his climate spin is fooling no one. 2050 is a fraud while Liberal and Labor are expanding gas and coal, and 2030 ‘projections’ are meaningless if we’re not putting them in law and making a formal commitment at Glasgow.

“Releasing a 2030 projection without any mechanism to lock it in is meaningless, a fig leaf for the government to avoid accountability on actually reducing carbon pollution.”

“Looking back, Australia’s all-to-brief 3 years of world-leading climate policy saw us slashing emissions and our renewables booming. The Greens-Labor carbon price and clean energy program worked.

“Australia could be heading to Glasgow as a leader, but instead a fear campaign and the capture of both major parties by the coal and gas lobby has made Australia a climate pariah, at odds with even our closest allies. 

“The Greens plan for legislated 2030 targets, underpinned by a rapid shift to renewables, storage, green hydrogen and EVs would be a jobs bonanza, a boon for the regions, and a life-raft for Australia’s tattered global reputation on climate.”