ABC must act after systemic racism findings


Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and spokesperson for Anti-Racism, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to the long-awaited Janke review into racism at the ABC, and urged the national broadcaster to adopt all 15 recommendations.

Quotes attributable to Senator Mehreen Faruqi: 

“I’m not surprised, but it doesn't lessen the disappointment. People of colour working at the ABC have been suffering racism for far too long. They deserve so much better from our public broadcaster.

“The Janke review recommended the ABC ‘improve diverse representation in management and leadership’, which is what I have long been calling for. The Board must reflect the diversity in the community if it is to be considered a true national broadcaster.

“The time for platitudes and hollow apologies is over. Strong action must be taken starting from the top. Anti-racism training must be mandatory and progress on change monitored and publicly reported.

“People of colour deserve a respectful and safe workplace and to be treated as equals to white people working at the ABC.”