Abuse of people with disability is not going to stop, we need a Royal Commission


Following the Four Corners report that showed more harrowing footage of people with disability living in group care, both the Coalition and the Labor Party have voted against a Greens senate motion calling on the Government to reconsider its decision and commit to a Royal Commission.

“It is really disappointing that both the old parties voted against the Government instigating a Royal Commission”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“It took a year and a half for the Government to respond to senate committee recommendations on how to address abuse of people with disability happening across the country in institutional and residential settings. When they finally got back to us, they said no to a Royal Commission, even though it was clearly needed.

“Now more footage has come out that shows evidence of serious assault, and accounts of sexual assault and psychological harm. People with disability in this country deserve care in these settings, not abuse.

“Having sat through the evidence during the senate committee inquiry, I cannot begin to emphasise enough how important it is that further investigation occurs.

“We owe it to vulnerable people with disability who deserve to be safe and cared for in a nurturing environment”.