ACCC supermarket report


The ACCC’s report on the supermarket duopoly’s market domination and price gouging once again highlights the need to make price gouging illegal and for economy-wide divestiture powers, the Greens say.

“The ACCC has confirmed what Australians already know: Coles and Woolworths have an iron grip on the supermarket sector, and they are using it to rip people off,” Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“They have confirmed that supermarkets are price gouging, that the sector lacks competition, and that they are among the most profitable supermarkets in the world.”

“This is why Australia needs divestiture powers and laws that make price gouging illegal.”

“Without laws to force more competition and make price gouging illegal, the supermarket duopoly will keep driving up grocery prices while raking in billions of dollars in profits.

“The Greens-led Senate inquiry put supermarket price gouging on the agenda and exposed the brutal reality of how Coles and Woolworths are exploiting their market power.

“The ACCC’s findings only reinforce what the Senate inquiry found about the duopoly’s market dominance and how everyday Australians are paying the price.”

“The political duopoly has long protected the supermarket duopoly at the expense of people who are struggling to afford basic groceries. The onus is now on them to take action.

“They talk tough but refuse to back the laws we need to bring prices down.”

“We need strong, anti-price gouging laws and divestiture powers to break up monopolies and duopolies that are squeezing people dry.”

“The Greens have legislation ready to go, Labor and the Coalition just need to find the political will to stand up to their corporate mates.”