The Adani mine continues to be a Fake Jobs Con


Greens Mining & Resources spokesperson Senator Andrew Bartlett visited Townsville today to discuss Chinese Government money financing the Adani mine.

“Labor, LNP and One Nation are lying to the people of North Queensland and now we have another example of why you can’t trust them."

“Let’s be clear: the Adani mine is a fake jobs con. It will create only a small number of permanent jobs, while putting tens of thousands of other jobs in regional Queensland at risk."

“Now we find out the small number of local jobs on offer has shrunk even further, as Chinese Government funding will be provided to Adani at the expense of local jobs."

“The LNP, ALP and One Nation parties are lying bald-faced to the people of Queensland - they do not care about regional jobs, they care about their big business mates who donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to them a year."

“The Greens are the only party committed to refusing all donations from big business and representing Queenslanders, not bending over backwards for the likes of Adani."

“The Greens policies will make big business pay their fair share and invest directly in affordable housing, community services, infrastructure and renewable energy; creating many thousands of reliable jobs in regional Queensland, and reducing power prices."