ADF must own & address allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan


Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said allegations by American Marines that Australian special forces shot and killed a prisoner because there was no room for them on a helicopter were disgraceful and appalling.

"These allegations, if proven to be true, are war crimes and the individuals responsible must face the full weight of the law for their actions," Steele-John said.

"When you have American Marines and the Drug Enforcement Agency saying they don't want to work with Australian special forces because of their alleged criminal behaviour then you know that something is very seriously wrong.

"This is clearly a much larger problem then just the individuals involved in this case, and the many others that have surfaced over the last few months. What we are beginning to see emerge here is a sinister cultural problem within our defence forces that must be investigated, owned and addressed.

"Australians expect that our defence forces will act respectfully, and lawfully, when undertaking operations in foreign conflict zones in our name. If that is not the case, then we deserve to know."