Aged Care work must start today 


The Greens say that the Aged Care system is fundamentally broken and there needs to be a sense of urgency in fixing it.
"The Royal Commissioners set out a five year process and the work needs to start today", Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
"This reform needs to be underpinned by a new aged care act based on a human rights approach. 
"For too long, aged care has been put in the too hard basket. The Royal Commission Report clearly shows that years of tinkering around the edges has fundamentally failed older Australians. 
"The funding that the Government announced yesterday is not close to enough. We have to see more in the budget.
"There is no point being sorry and distressed by what has occurred if we don’t see concrete plans for substantive reform and the commitment to adequately fund them. 
"The Government must act on the most serious breaches of human rights against older Australians and an essential part of that is to move swiftly to reduce and eliminate the use of restraints in aged care.

"The use of physical or chemical restraints for control, punishment, retaliation or as a measure of convenience must be prohibited. Medicines should only ever be used for therapeutic purposes and with the free and informed consent of the person receiving them or their nominee. 
"Older Australians will not be properly cared for and protected until the workforce is adequately paid and trained and the number of hours of care are increased.
"Aged Care workers can no longer be seen as collateral damage in this failed system. 
"For too long those doing some of the most important work in our community have been overworked and underpaid. We must value the work that they do."