Arts industry loses four times as many jobs as construction, receives a third of the support


ABS stats released today show the arts and recreation industry has lost four times as many payroll jobs as the construction industry but has received a third of the support, highlighting just how inadequate the Morrison Government’s arts and entertainment industry package is, the Greens say.

Greens Spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The construction industry is receiving a package worth three times as much as the arts and entertainment industry despite only losing 5.3 per cent of payroll jobs compared to 24% per cent.

“These figures show how badly wrong the government has its priorities. If they are intent of saving jobs lost due to COVID19, these numbers need to be turned around, urgently.

“The government’s HomeBuilder scheme is uncapped, showing the Prime Minister is happy to give unlimited funds to an industry that is relatively unscathed in comparison to arts and entertainment.

“The Government should uncap the arts and entertainment grants package immediately. The arts and entertainment industry needs a proper commitment and real support from the Morrison Government.

“The Morrison Government is kidding itself if it thinks it has done its job when it comes to helping the arts and entertainment industry recover. The $250million arts and entertainment package announced last week should only be considered a down payment to an industry that has been amongst the hardest hit.

“The Senate Committee Inquiry into Covid19 has heard directly from the sector today that many artists and organisations will continue to miss out. The Government’s arts package has failed to deliver the support needed and the Prime Minister’s show last week is getting poor reviews.”