Australia must respond to Afghanistan crisis


The Australian Government should provide immediate assistance to Afghan people both on the ground in Afghanistan and by providing protection here in Australia.

“Australia should immediately offer permanent protection visas for up to 20,000 people from Afghanistan who are at risk of persecution from the Taliban,” Greens Immigration and Citizenship spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“The Canadian government has recently announced that it will do this, and we should follow suit.”

“These places should be in addition to our regular humanitarian intake, and include protection for people like female leaders, human rights advocates, LGBTIQ+ people, alumni of Australian Universities, journalists, Afghan government workers and people from ethnic and religious minorities previously persecuted by the Taliban.”

“Australia’s actions have contributed to the growing threat to many Afghan people from the Taliban, and we have a moral obligation to provide sanctuary for some of the people who will suffer as a result

“Our government should provide evacuation assistance where possible, and also extend permanent protection visas to Afghan citizens who are already here in Australia on temporary visas.”

“This is a crisis, and we urgently need to respond. Australia’s military involvement significantly contributed to the political instability we are now witnessing.”

Greens Foreign Affairs spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said:

“We must also urgently increase aid and assistance to people in Afghanistan."

“Australia must act as a good global citizen and do what we can to support people on the ground, especially women and girls who face a huge curtailing of their rights, living through this dire situation."

“The Australian Government has for months ignored urgent calls for evacuation flights and visas for translators and diplomats, and now it may be too late to ensure their safety. We owe it to the people who helped us to now help them - it is a moral imperative for our government to finally act as quickly as possible.”

Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said:

“Australia needs to urgently take action. Australia’s 20 year involvement in Afghanistan has contributed to this moment. Australia must not abandon the people of Afghanistan at this moment."

“This crisis we are now in is yet another example of how violent wars are failing people. We’ve seen it in Vietnam, and now Afghanistan. We must find peaceful, non-violent solutions to increasing international tensions.”

Contact: Pat Caruana (McKim) - 0400 425 380
Shani Flynn (Rice) - 0400 352 935
Sophie Greer (Steele-John) - 0448 316 387