Australia Post and Christine Holgate Settlement


Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, chair of the Senate Inquiry into Australia Post and Greens spokesperson for communications, responded to the statement released today by former Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate:

“The Morrison Government's and Australia Post’s poor treatment and public bullying of Christine Holgate has cost taxpayer more than $1million.

“Today’s settlement between the former CEO and Australia Post is vindication that Ms Holgate was mistreated and her departure was badly mismanaged.

“The Prime Minister’s over-the-top and aggressive reaction to Ms Holgate on the floor of the nation’s parliament plunged the leadership of Australia Post into crisis, and now taxpayers are covering the clean up bill. The Prime Minister should walk into Parliament today and publicly apologise for his behaviour. A simple 'sorry' shouldn’t be that hard.  

“Ms Holgate’s treatment has exposed the sexism and hypocrisy in the corridors of power here in Parliament.

“Despite all the public bullying and berating it is clear Ms Holgate was an 'effective CEO' and made an 'outstanding contribution'.

“The Chair of Australia Post should be held accountable for his role in this sorry saga too. It is clear the Board did not follow proper process and it has now cost the organisation an 'outstanding and strong leader'. The political interference and poor decision making should not be tolerated.  The Chairman should now stand down. He should go.

“Ms Holgate has stood up to the bully boys in the Liberal Party and I commend her for doing so. The gendered double standards displayed by the Morrison Government have been well and truly on show.

“Ms Holgate was treated appallingly while men who behave badly in Morrison’s own ranks not only suffer zero consequences, they get promoted. This should be a memo to the PM and all the bully boys that the women of Australia have had enough.

"I call on the Government to implement all of the 25 recommendations made by the Senate Inquiry."