Australia Post investigation should review enormous executive salaries and bonuses


Greens Spokesperson for Communications Senator Sarah Hanson Young responded to the Morrison Government’s terms of reference for an investigation into Australia Post:

“This investigation is supposed to establish whether this publicly-owned essential service is acting in the best interests of its shareholder – the Australian taxpayer - and yet the enormous pay packets and bonuses pocketed by executives don’t get a mention in the terms of reference.

“No one working in the public service should be taking home multi-million-dollar salaries and paid bonuses.

“It’s not just the Cartier watches that are the problem, it’s Australia Post becoming a quasi-private, quasi-public organisation that is now out of step with community expectations.

“It’s time to wind back the clock and ensure Australia’s postal service is a truly public organisation acting in the best interests of taxpayers, not millionaire executives.

“The Greens will re-introduce our bill to cap executive salaries and end performance-based pay at Australia Post and across the public service.

“Time’s up for those seeking a luxury lifestyle on the public purse whether its executives at Australia Post or ASIC, and the Parliament needs to do its job and rein them in.”