Australian Greens express solidarity with Sudanese in the face of grave human rights abuses


The Australian Greens express solidarity with Sudanese people, both in Sudan and in the Sudanese-Australian community, in the lead-up to their global protest on 30 June.

Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Richard Di Natale said: “I am gravely concerned by the appalling human rights abuses that are occurring in Sudan right now.  Hundreds of protestors holding non-violent sit-ins have been killed, and many more injured.  These people were bravely calling for a civilian-led Government and an end to the violent crushing of dissent that they have known for so long.”


“Members of Australia’s Sudanese community have told me how worried they are about their friends and relatives back in Sudan.  The Transitional Military Council has blocked access to the internet so Sudanese people can’t get their stories out to the world.”


“The Sudanese endured almost three decades of dictatorship under the appalling human rights abuser Omar al-Bashir.  Now is the chance for Sudan to have a democratic, civilian-led Government. I urge the Australian Government condemn the recent massacre in Sudan and the ongoing human rights abuses, and request that the military regime hand over power to a civilian government.”