Australian Greens welcome ALP & NXT opposition to cashless welfare card expansions


"I welcome the ALP and NXT in opposing the cashless welfare card legislation in the House of Representatives and look forward to the vote being mirrored in the Senate, which would stop the cashless welfare card from being expanded”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today. 

“It is fantastic they have joined the Australian Greens and voted against this awful legislation that would expand the cashless welfare card. 

“The evidence just isn’t there that income management works, whether it is via the Basics Card or the cashless welfare card. The ORIMA evaluation has been extensively criticised and people affected have not been adequately consulted. 

“I urge NXT and the ALP to oppose the legislation when it comes up to the Senate. We do not need the cashless welfare card to be expanded, it needs to be stopped”.