Australian Greens welcome children’s television creators to #SaveKidsTV campaign


The Australian Greens are proud to stand with children’s television producers from around the country in fighting to maintain, and strengthen, local content laws.

“Australian children’s television is under attack by big commercial broadcasters who want to cheap out on local content, and the flow-on effects would be irreversibly devastating for our broader community. We welcome the industry joining the fight to #SaveKidsTV,” Greens arts and youth spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“The $100 million annual contribution to the economy, massive export potential, and the thousands of Australian jobs in the industry are at risk if commercial broadcasters have their way. Far from slashing the requirements for locally made kids TV, the government should be looking to strengthen and broaden them to include on demand streaming services like Netflix and Stan.

“Australians have grown up with some of the best children’s television programs for decades, and our kids and future generations shouldn’t be deprived of that. They need high quality story-telling to help them make sense of their identity and the world around them.

“The Greens are proud to stand with creators of kids’ TV against commercial broadcasters getting free rein to wiggle out of their obligations to Australian children.”


Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760