Australian Greens welcome ex gratia payment and formal apology to the family of Ms Dhu


The Australian Greens welcome the WA State Government’s ex gratia payment and formal apology to the family of Ms Dhu.

“Although this will not bring back Ms Dhu and the family will continue to experience deep grief from her avoidable death, I hope these steps made by the McGowan Government offers some solace.

“Moves to implement a comprehensive Custody Notification Service in Western Australia are a welcome step and I agree that Aboriginal deaths in custody will dramatically reduce or stop altogether once implemented. This has been evidenced interstate.

“I always found it extremely bizarre that the Barnett Government pushed back on the funding offer for this service by the Commonwealth. It’s a service that saves lives, why not take it up?

“I look forward to the rollout of the Custody Notification Service occurring in a timely manner before any further avoidable fatalities occur.

“My thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of Ms Dhu”.