Australia's lightweight NDC is a roadmap for self destruction


Following the release of Australia’s Nationally Determined Contribution, Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has joined the chorus of international criticism of Australia’s plan.

The Nationally Determined Contribution is the official governmental plan that is lodged with the UN and that Scott Morrison will be taking to Glasgow, presented to 197 other states supposedly showing Australia’s pathway to Net Zero.

The Greens say the 24 page document isn’t just lacking in detail, it’s devoid of ambition, and even if the government succeeds in its plan it won’t protect Australia from dangerous climate change. 

Lines from Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP:

“Australia’s NDC isn’t a plan to save Australia from climate change, it’s a roadmap for self destruction,” Mr Bandt said.

“While other countries are pledging detailed pathways that clearly describe transition arrangements for coal and gas, fuel switching for industrial applications, investment in renewables and carbon prices to incentivise clean energy, the government’s got a propaganda pamphlet with a hundred iterations of their campaign slogan.

“The Liberal mantra of ‘technology over taxes’ may work at a mining lobby briefing, but it’s not going to stand up to the 20,000 climate ministers, world leaders, and scientists in the COP26 Blue Zone.

“The international shame has begun. In an already tense phone call, the French Prime Minister has called out Scott Morrison’s obsession with fossil fuels - demanding he commit to ending the mining and burning of coal.

“Our NDC doesn’t come close to addressing the end of coal and gas. It doesn’t even commit to 2030 emissions reduction that the government believes they’ll hit. 

“It attempts to greenwash the opening of gasfields in the Northern Territory, by asserting that climate polluting methane is essential to kickstart a domestic hydrogen industry. It is deeply irresponsible for the Liberals to be heading to a climate action conference and trying to flog fossil fuels - it’d be like trying to sell moonshine at an AA meeting. Instead, Australia should be signing on to the US-EU Global Methane Pledge.”

“Even if the government’s vague pathway succeeds, its targets aren’t ambitious enough to stop Australia from cooking.

“As one of the world’s leading exporters of pollution , Australia needs a plan to transition away from coal and gas, along with a 75% 2030 target. Below that, we’re simply not pulling our weight.”