Barnaby can’t do his job – the Senate should not do his bidding


The Australian Greens will tomorrow ask the senate to block all business relating to Barnaby Joyce’s ministerial duties until he is replaced as Water Minister, following his repeated failure to act on restoring integrity to the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

“Barnaby Joyce has time and again brushed off serious allegations of corruption and water theft relating to the Murray Darling Basin. We know this issue is widespread and needs immediate action, but we have a minister who is unable and ineligible to do so,” Greens Murray Darling spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Just this week, the Government expects the Senate to deal with Barnaby Joyce’s Regional Investment Corporation Bill, but without a competent and legitimate minister who takes his job seriously, the Senate cannot consider it.

“The Matthews report released this week proves allegations of corruption and water theft that aired on Four Corners is not only rife, but has been swept under the rug or laughed off by the very person who is meant to uphold the integrity of our national river system.

“Barnaby Joyce doesn’t take his citizenship issues seriously, he doesn’t take theft of water and corruption seriously and the senate should refuse to act on any business coming out of his portfolios until he is replaced with a more competent, and legitimate, Minister.

“Last month, the senate called on the Government to establish a judicial inquiry into the Murray Darling Basin Plan corruption and water theft allegations. I call on my Senate colleagues to back this Order of Continuing Effect motion.”