Billions in aged care profits must go to care instead


Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the first stop for funding needed improvements to aged care in the wake of the Royal Commission, should be to take billions of dollars being grafted out of the system in profits and spend it on more staff instead.
“Already we’re hearing a government start laying the groundwork for putting the needed reforms in the ‘too expensive’ basket, but there’s over a billion dollars in low-hanging fruit if the government unwinds privatisation and stops subsidising the profits of big corporations” Greens Leader Adam Bandt said.
“Big corporations are making over a billion dollars a year in profits from aged care. 
“This is a sector that is 80% government funded as it is. We should not be using public money to prop up the profits of big corporations.
“The public shouldn’t be buying Maseratis for aged care corporate executives.
“The privatisation of aged care has failed.  
“Aged care shouldn’t be run for profit. It should be run for people. Big corporations are profiting from the misery of the elderly and it has to stop.
“By clawing back big corporate profits, we can give our elders the quality of life they deserve,” Bandt said.