Business on the money, we’ve got tackle the climate crisis and the economic recovery together


The Australian Greens have thrown their support behind the push from big business to tackle the climate crisis and the economic recovery from the coronavirus together. 

The calls, led by the Australian Industry Group, come as a report released Tuesday shows that as much as one-third of the world’s population will be exposed to heat likened to the Sahara Desert within fifty years unless we urgently cut pollution. 

“While the Liberals mount a post-COVID push for gas to make the climate crisis worse, many in the business community know we need to tackle the climate crisis and the coronavirus economic recovery together,” Greens Leader and spokesperson for the Climate Crisis Adam Bandt said. 

“On this, business is right. Responding to the coronavirus and the climate crisis together not only allows us to collectively tackle the greatest challenges of our times, but the chance to boost sustainable growth and secure our future. 

“Without urgent action to tackle pollution, we’re on a pathway to an economic catastrophe that will dwarf the current crisis, with research today showing that as many as 3.5 billion people will be exposed to ‘near-unliveable’ temperatures by 2070, wiping out jobs and Australia’s agricultural sector. 

“To tackle the climate crisis and the economic crisis, we need a Green New Deal with government-led investment to get to 100% renewables, cutting pollution and boosting jobs.”