Campaign to scrap racist card will continue


The Greens have vowed to continue the community campaign to stop income management and the Cashless Debit Card for good.
“The campaign to stop the card is not over", Senator Rachel Siewert, Spokesperson on Family and Community Services said. 
This campaign has been strengthened with the ALP coming on board after initially supporting income management measures and Senators Lambie and Patrick taking the time to review the evidence and vote against the card last night in the Senate.
This is the power of the senate. This is not over. We can stop this card.
We’ve had thirteen years of income management in this country and the Government has no evidence to support that it has done any good.
The Government has not collected any baseline data in any of the trial sites. There is no quantitative data to prove any of their claims and it’s shameful that Centre Alliance did a deal and didn’t even have the guts to show up and vote with the Government last night.
This Government has let communities in the trial sites down by promising wrap around services to go along with the card with little to nothing to show. 
I’d really like to know what the Government thinks they can achieve with a two year extension to the card because it’s very clear it is only making people's lives worse. 
The country is watching and they will not be hoodwinked with the ideological obsession this Government has with punishing people just because they are on income support. 


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Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180