Centre Alliance must show spine on super


The Greens have today slammed Centre Alliance for reportedly helping the Liberal Party abandon an election promise and delay an increase to working people’s super - saying there’s still time to show spine on super.

“Centre Alliance’s abandonment of working people shows they’re shaping up to be absorbed into the Liberal Party,” Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP said.

“For years, big corporations have been pushing to suppress wages and super increases, and the pandemic just gives them ammunition to fight workers entitlements for the next decade.

“This isn’t a choice between fair wages and decent retirement. We can have both. It’s a choice between corporate profits and workers getting what they deserve.”

Lines from Australian Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young:

“By knocking back super increases, Centre Alliance is telling South Australians that they consider corporate profits more important than workers having a stable retirement.

“They want to stop workers getting 12% super, all while as politicians they get to pocket 15% themselves. They’ve got guaranteed pay rises, just for showing up - meanwhile everyday workers keep missing out on pay rises and now these pollies want to take their super too.

“South Australians are some of the lowest paid workers in the country and with an ageing population. People need access to stable and reliable retirement savings. This decision from Centre Alliance is a kick in the guts for hard working South Aussies.

“No wonder people are wondering if the rumours of Ms Sharkie and Senator Griff joining the Liberal Party are true. With decisions like this, they may as well sign up now and be done with it."