Centrelink continues to intimidate vulnerable Australians with threatening texts


The Government continues its agenda of intimidation of Centrelink recipients with threatening text messages to people following the letters recently sent from Centrelink with the Australian Federal Police’s logo. 

“The Government is deliberately targeting vulnerable people and trying to intimidate them, even though they have done nothing wrong.” Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today. 

“To follow up the threatening AFP letters that were sent out last week, Centrelink is now sending out text messages which are frightening and intimidating people. 

“I’m aware of one young recipient of these messages who is on DSP with psychosocial disability. How can the Government claim to take mental health issues seriously and then treat those with mental ill-health so callously? 

"The Senate inquiry into the robodebt debacle clearly exposed the flaws in the Government's communications with income support recipients, clearly they have learnt nothing and continue their agenda.

“This is the action of an authoritarian government and shows contempt for people, fairness and process.”