Childcare Expenses Back To Pre-Covid Levels


Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the December quarter Consumer Price Index data released today by the ABS has revealed “out-of-pocket [childcare] expenses have now returned to pre-COVID levels in all capital cities.”

Senator Faruqi said:

“These latest numbers put us back to where we were before Covid-19 – with one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world.

“The new Minister, Alan Tudge, has an opportunity here to set a different course when it comes to early learning. We urgently need new investment to fully subsidise childcare and make it truly universal.

“Early learning costs in Australia are out of control. High fees make our society less equal, and limit choices for women, who have to give up study, career and work opportunities.

“Last year, the government briefly flirted with providing fee-free childcare for all. There is no reason we can’t have this again. This is a choice the government has to make: will it allow business-as-usual when we know free childcare is possible?”