Climate emergency declaration put to both houses: Liberals oppose, Labor split


The Liberals and Labor have combined forces to block a Climate Emergency declaration in Australia, on the day our closest neighbours have declared a climate emergency at their Labour Prime Minister’s request.
The Australian Greens put Climate Emergency Declaration motions before the House and Senate today, with the Government blocking the vote in the House, and Labor and the Government blocking in the Senate.
Meanwhile, across the Tasman, the New Zealand Parliament today joined the many nations to declare a Climate Emergency, following a long and successful campaign from the NZ Greens.
“The first step to dealing with a problem is admitting you’ve got one. Last summer’s disastrous season of bushfires has made it abundantly clear that we’re rapidly speeding towards a climate cliff,” Mr Bandt said.
“This was a chance for Australia to show it is serious about climate action ahead of next week’s international climate summit. Thanks to the Liberals and Labor, we have failed.
“We are running out of time to stop the climate emergency, and every day counts. When the Australian population is at threat, when there is a threat to the safety and the livelihoods of our people and our country, parliament should drop everything to deal with it. Instead, the government is refusing to accept the truth about our climate. 
“Declaring a Climate Emergency forces Scott Morrison to tell the truth that our current targets and the world's current targets are not enough.

“Current projections from the Bureau of Meteorology confirm that our attempts to limit global warming to just 2 degrees are failing. Australia’s on track for 4 degrees of heating unless we increase our ambition, and do it quickly. 
“This government clearly has a problem with this truth and the Greens are trying to hold them to account, but the opposition doesn’t know where it stands on the defining issue of our time. “We’re running out of time to take action. I wish Labor would decide where they stand and join us in holding this government of climate criminals to account instead of siding with the Liberals to protect Scott Morrison. 

“The Labor-Green government led by Jacinda Ardern knows where they stand on the climate emergency and we welcome New Zealand joining the declaration club.