Climate Targets Panel blows the whistle on 2050 fraud


The independent Climate Targets Panel, headed by former Liberal Party Leader, John Hewson, has today made it clear that a ‘net zero by 2050’ target is not enough because Australia would still blow its carbon budget unless its 2030 target was up to tripled.

Australia’s ‘fair share’ target, in line with the Paris goal of 1.5 degrees of warming, should be 74% by 2030. That’s the finding of the independent Climate Targets Panel, based on Climate Change Authority methodology. 

The Greens policy is for a 75% reduction by 2030 reaching net zero by 2035. This is consistent with Australia’s carbon budget for 1.5 degrees of warming.

The international pressure is building on Australia ahead of Glasgow to join every other developed nation who will submit updated, increased 2030 targets at the conference. 

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt:

“Without stronger 2030 targets, ‘zero by 2050’ is a fraud, especially while expanding coal and gas.

“If Scott Morrison and the Nationals agree to a net zero 2050 deal, the Coalition’s climate policy will be essentially identical to Labor’s. Labor’s 2030 no-show is letting Scott Morrison off the hook.

“The Greens 75% by 2030 target would see a rapid transition out of coal and gas, which would create the certainty for a massive boost in renewables, storage, green hydrogen and EVs.”