Coal crew has Turnbull by the throat: Greens


The coal-huggers have Malcolm Turnbull by the throat and the government has dumped any pretence of climate action, Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and climate & energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, said today. And while the government is moving on price caps, it has stopped well short of the re-regulation that is needed and which the Greens called for 12 months ago.

“Australia is burning during winter and we’re in the middle of record temperatures and drought, but Malcolm Turnbull has dumped any pretence of acting on climate change because the coal-huggers have him by the throat,” Mr Bandt said.

“To save his skin, the Prime Minister has dumped any pollution cuts and is giving the backbench Trumps a coal slush fund.

“The price caps announced today stop well short of the full re-regulation that the Greens advocated 12 months ago and which is the only way to rein in the record profits of the power companies.”

“The idea that more competition will bring down prices is a fantasy, as has been comprehensively shown in Victoria.”

“I am worried about what comes next. If Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to dump emissions legislation, he’s prepared to grant the coal-huggers the rest of their wish-list, like pulling out of Paris and axing the rooftop solar support scheme.

“The ACCC, Craig Kelly and others have all called for the axing of the rooftop solar support scheme, which would be a massive betrayal of Australian households and businesses.”

“The NEG is dead. We should now just extend and increase the Renewable Energy Target, a proven policy that even the Reserve Bank acknowledges is bringing down prices.”