Colbeck must go, for-profit aged care ended


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has backed Labor’s call for Aged Care Minister, Richard Colbeck, to resign, and called for an end to the dismal failure of running aged care for profit.

The Greens also reiterated their support for wage rises in the sector. In July, the Greens publicly backed the Nursing and Midwifery Federation and the Health Services Union push for an increase to aged care workers’ pay saying current wages are insulting. 

Quotes attributable to Greens leader, Adam Bandt MP:

“Aged care should not be run for profit. 

“With big corporations profiting in a sector with hundreds dying of Covid, low vaccine booster rates and staff shortages, the Minister must resign and for-profit aged care unwound.

“The Royal Commission recommended that the Government and the sector put in applications to the Fair Work Commission to improve wages, but this terrible government can’t even back them.

“This election a vote for the Greens is a vote to kick out the ‘horrible, horrible’ Morrison government and tax the billionaires and corporate mega-profits to deliver essential services for all Australians. 

Quotes attributable to Greens aged care spokesperson, Senator Janet Rice:

“Richard Colbeck ‘earned’ more in a day spent at the cricket than the bonus he's giving to aged care workers.

“Aged care workers are some of the lowest paid people in the country, yet they are working tirelessly in a pandemic to support our most vulnerable people.

“Aged care workers need a permanent pay rise. A couple of one-off payments, conveniently timed right before an election, doesn’t cut it.”