Debt raising against income support recipients during a recession is a disgrace


The Greens have called the Government's decision to recommence ‘debt raising’ against income support recipients a disgrace.
We are in a recession and a pandemic and instead of giving Australians certainty about their future and ensuring they won’t be living on $40 a day come December this Government is choosing to create more anxiety and fear in our community by chasing people for debts at a time in their life when many are at their most vulnerable. 

This Government has an ideological obsession with punishing people on income support. 
In the middle of a recession, it is obscene that the Government has fast-tracked tax cuts for millionaires and now the Government is chasing money from people doing it tough. 
The Government should sort out their own illegal robodebt mess.

Media Contact
Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie; 0418 401 180