Defence of Taylor shows integrity has been thrown overboard: Greens


The Australian Greens have responded to Scott Morrison’s appalling decision to allow Minister Angus Taylor to continue serving in his role while under active police investigation, saying that it shows the Prime Minister is deep in denial.


Quote attributable to Greens spokesperson for the climate crisis and energy, Adam Bandt MP:

“Scott Morrison is deep in denial.

“The PM has thrown integrity overboard to hang on to a 1 seat majority on the floor of Parliament.

“The government says unions need special ‘integrity’ legislation because they can’t manage their own affairs, then the Liberals keep a Minister under police investigation on the front bench.

“If you’ve got a blue collar the Liberals throw the book at you, but if you’ve got a white collar they turn a blind eye.

“Not only is Scott Morrison refusing to accept that burning coal makes bushfires worse, he’s backing a Minister being investigated by police for using forged documents in a climate-related attack.”


Quotes attributable to Greens leader, Senator Richard Di Natale:

“It’s appalling that the Prime Minister has allowed one of his ministers to sit on the front bench while under active police investigation,” Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale said today. 

“From this document saga, Taylor’s climate change denial, and allegations he intervened as Minister to help out his family farm, there’s been a stench around Angus Taylor’s conduct for months.

“At every turn, Angus Taylor has been protected from scrutiny from a government clearly more concerned about its numbers in the House than its integrity.

“If the Prime Minister was serious about improving faith in his government he would suspend Angus Taylor until this NSW Police investigation is complete.”