Disability Royal Commission sends clear message: Support Disabled people through COVID-19 crisis


Thursday 26th March, 2020

Australian Greens Disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has again called for urgent action to ensure disabled people have access to clear information and the appropriate supports to get through this crisis, after the disability Royal Commission today put out a statement of concern about the impact COVID-19 will have on the disability community.

Senator Steele-John said the Disability Royal Commission were sending a clear message about the need for a dedicated strategy for disabled people.

"This is a warning; the Commission is making it crystal clear that they are watching and that they will hold government, service providers and organisations to account for their actions, or inaction, throughout this crisis. 

 the response from all levels of government and the private sector to the COVID-19 crisis and that, if necessary, they will hold them to account.

"Like my office, and advocacy organisations across the country, the Commission has received an influx of correspondence from disabled people who are anxious about the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for them, for their support networks and for their families.

"The lack of clear, consistent and accessible communication has exarcerbated this anxiety and there is now an urgent need for a dedicated strategy to the COVID-19 crisis to ensure that disabled people are supported and protected.

"I would also like to acknowledge that the Centre for Research Excellency on Disability Health (CREDH) has called for comprehensive action plan to protect disabled people which has been supported by Australia's peak disability advocacy organisations and the Greens.

"Disabled people need to be able to access the right information and appropriate supports to get through this crisis."