Disabled people 'forgotten & ignored' by Morrison Government in Covid-19 response


Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said he was appalled at findings by the Disability Royal Commission, released today, that cited "serious failures" by the Morrison government to make "any significant effort" to consult with disabled people during the early stages of response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The recommenations made by the Chair are a vindication of the outrage and distress felt by disabled people, and our families, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic" Steele-John said.

"It proves that we were shut out of emergency response planning at the beginning of the pandemic, or not even considered, and as a result our lives were put at risk.

"The recommendations made by the Royal Commission today are clear and actionable, and reflect the seriousness of the neglect experienced by disabled people at the hands of the Morrison government. 

"I'm glad to see the Royal Commission doing the job it has been empowered to do; the Australian Greens strongly support all 22 recommendations."