‘DobSeeker’ hotline is an abuse of power 


The Greens say that the Government’s reporting line dubbed the ‘DobSeeker’ is an abuse of power that will hurt the most vulnerable in our community. 

“This is all part of the sick obsession this Government has with blaming and demonising people for not having a job in the midst of a recession and a pandemic. 

“The Job Provider system (Jobactive) is already rife with bullying, harassment, of people being ignored or treated very poorly by their job providers and now the Government is empowering employers with the means to intimidate and bully Jobseekers.

“The Government is doing next to nothing about this but blame people who can’t find work that doesn’t exist. 

“Jobactive Providers are being paid billions to help find jobs when we have 1.5 million people on JobSeeker and Youth Allowance and 175,000 jobs available. 

“In April there will be 1.5 million people on JobSeeker and Youth Allowance having to search for 15 jobs per month. 

“That’s 22,500,00 job applications per month in a job market with 175,000 jobs available. This will go up to 30,000,000 once people have to apply for 20.

“Has the Government consulted with businesses and employers on how they are going to manage that?”