Emerson Review


The Labor Government’s review of the Grocery Code of Conduct must examine all options - including divestiture powers - to tackle the supermarket duopoly’s power, the Greens say.

“The announcement of this review is a testament to the persistent advocacy by the Greens and the Senate inquiry we are leading into supermarket price gouging,” Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

"This is a step in the right direction, but it is in no way a substitute for the Greens led Senate inquiry which has powers to compel evidence and testimony which will see Coles and Woolworths CEOs held to account publicly.“

“It is crucial that Labor’s review does not shy away from considering robust measures like divestiture powers.”

“Such powers are vital to dismantle monopolistic practices and ensure fair pricing for consumers.”

“Unlike Labor’s attempt to catch up, the Greens’ inquiry will force supermarket CEOs to appear before the Senate and try to justify their obscene profits.”