Environment Minister signs death warrant for Port Stephens koalas


The Environment Minister Sussan Ley has signed a death warrant for koalas by approving the extension of the Brandy Hill quarry near Port Stephens today, the Greens say.

Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“It defies logic that an Environment Minister would approve the destruction of critical habitat for the koala, a species facing extinction in NSW.

“Sussan Ley has signed a death warrant for the koalas that call this place home.

“The Minister’s attempt to spin the benefits of an “offset area” to sugar coat her decision is insulting. The fact is this is bad news for koalas and no amount of political trickery will change that. 

“What good are conditions when the Morrison Government refuses to have an independent cop on the beat to enforce them. 

“The Morrison Government cannot be trusted to protect our koalas and giving power to the states to make decisions will be the final nail in the coffin for our wildlife and environment.”

Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Greens Senator for NSW, said:

“This is a devastating decision from Minister Ley and a betrayal of the environment and our irreplaceable koalas. This decision takes koalas a step closer to extinction.

“No amount of offsetting can bring back habitat that has been destroyed. It is a total and complete scam. Once a critical habitat is gone, it's gone forever.

“My heart goes out to the Port Stephens and Brandy Hill communities who have been fighting so hard for their local koalas.”