Far-right investigations must spur action on fascist terror


Australian Greens Anti-racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that numerous investigations published today by ABC, Nine and Guardian Australia on far-right and neo-Nazi organising have underscored the need for urgent action to tackle the violent far-right.

Senator Faruqi said:

“These investigations are disturbing but not surprising. We know that the far-right is organising in Australia, and has links to international extremist groups. But the government has its head in the sand.

“This makes ASIO’s decision to back away from the term ‘right-wing extremism’ look even more naive and absurd.

“Far-right groups are on the march and trying to recruit across the country, including by appealing to anti-lockdown sentiments. Some of these groups and individuals openly praise the Christchurch terrorist and are rabidly Islamophobic and antisemitic.

“There must be a zero tolerance approach. Laws on extremism and hate speech must be enforced and strengthened. Governments must unambiguously commit to anti-racism. Community programs to counter the far-right require significant investment. There is no time to waste.”