Federal Government must lift VIC childcare support & move to free childcare


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says a return to free childcare is needed in Victoria immediately and that the success of the initial COVID-19 childcare package has shown Australian families that it is possible and desirable to pursue free childcare for good.

“Even though the restrictions in Victoria are now harsher, the childcare support from the Federal government is now weaker,” Bandt said.

“In the middle of a pandemic, the government has tried to reinvent the wheel and thrown parents, workers and the industry into unnecessary confusion.”

“The government should reinstate the previous JobKeeper and free childcare provisions, which had broad support in the industry and community, with tweaks to deal with any identified shortcomings.”

“Instead, the federal government has pitched us into the unknown and added to the stress people in Victoria are already feeling.”

“Parents understood how the previous system worked. Childcare providers and workers understood and broadly supported the system staying in place longer.”

“We also need an overhaul of the system. The Morrison Government’s instincts are to push for austerity. The Greens want to see the lessons from the free childcare provision taken on and expanded upon. For a fraction of the cost of the Liberal/Labor 'tax cuts to millionaires' package, we could continue free childcare instead,” Bandt said.