Federal Labor washing its hands of Gabba rebuild


Questions in Senate Estimates asked by Queensland Greens Senator Penny Allman-Payne revealed that the federal government is outsourcing International Olympic Committee compliance requirements to the Queensland Government, and won't be undertaking assurances itself.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts also confirmed that funding was not “locked in”, contradicting a claim by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

The admission comes after the federal Labor Government twice refused a Senate order to produce documents relating to discussions between Queensland and the Commonwealth relating to the Gabba redevelopment. The Senate also voted to reject the Government's public interest immunity claim.

Comments attributable to Greens Senator for Queensland Penny Allman-Payne:

"Today we learned that not only is Federal Government funding for the Gabba rebuild not guaranteed, but the Commonwealth is not even seeking its own assurances that the project meets IOC compliance requirements.

“To an impartial observer it looks very much like the federal government is trying to wash its hands of a costly, unnecessary and unpopular dud.

“It’s hard to believe that the Queensland Government can be so confident that the project is going ahead when their Labor mates in Canberra clearly don’t want a bar of it.”

Comments attributable to Greens Member for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather:

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Gabba demolition is completely unworkable. Federal and state governments need to admit that they were wrong and find a suitable alternative location.

“Do the Prime Minister and Premier really want the Olympics legacy to be bulldozing a thriving and growing public school and much loved local park?

“Spending $2.5 billion for the sake of only 8000 extra seats for a two week sporting event is an absolutely criminal waste of public funds at a time when schools and hospitals across the country are suffering from chronic underfunding.”



Senator Allman-Payne: "Notwithstanding the Queensland government's assurances, which you've spoken about earlier, in deciding the Commonwealth contribution to the overall Olympics funding envelope, what steps is the Commonwealth taking to satisfy itself that any new proposed facility meets the international Olympic committee's requirements for the building of the new Olympic facility in lieu of using existing facilities, that is:

  • that the new facility is much needed,

  • long planned, and

  • going to be built anyway, and

  • is supported by detailed business plans that demonstrates its long term financial viability?"

Department: "In the first instance we would rely on the Queenslanders to ensure the obligations are fulfilled.”

Senator Allman-Payne: "So the government's not taking any steps to assure itself before it gives the Queensland government that funding that those obligations are being met?"

Department: "Those commitments are commitments of the Queensland Government, they are not risks that the Commonwealth should be bearing.”

Senator Allman-Payne: "So the Commonwealth is quite happy to hand over funding, based on the assurance of the [Queensland] government without checking itself that those requirements have been met?"

Department: "The terms on which the Commonwealth hands over money as you've described it will be described in detail in the intergovernmental agreement which will include the governance structures and the checks and balances to ensure that all risks are appropriately managed from our point of view."