Fresh evidence of Australian military exports to Israel, used by the army


There is fresh evidence that Australian-made weapons and military equipment was used by the Israeli military, with exports taking place within the last year and a half. 

A February 2024 investor presentation from the Australian company Droneshield, shows a photograph of a soldier from the Israel Defence Force holding one of their DroneGun Mk4. From the number plates in the background, it is clear this picture was taken in Israel.

The DroneGun Mk4 was released in April 2023, so the picture was taken at some point between then and its publication in February 2024. DroneGun Mk4 is an anti-drone weapon system, that fires electrical jamming signals. 

The IDF soldier is also pictured with Droneshields RfPatrol body-worn detection device. 

Dronesheild also has an office in the US, however, its manufacturing headquarters is based in Sydney where the weapon is made. They also work with a local distributor in Israel called Sparta Ltd.

Prime Minister Albanese in his visit to Washington from 23 to 26 October 2023 was pictured holding the DroneGun Mk4 when meeting with Dronesheild’s US office.

The Albanese Government has numerous times claimed Australia has not permitted the export of any Australian made weapons to Israel for the previous five years. These images prove how deceptive those statements have been.

During Senate Estimates questioning in June 2024, Defence revealed that there are currently 66 military export permits active for the State of Israel.

Senator David Shoebridge, Greens Spokesperson for Defence, said: “This is the smoking gun. For months the Albanese government has been misleading the public on its role in the two-way arms trade with the State of Israel. 

“Now we have a picture of an Australian-made DroneGun being used by an Israeli soldier within the last year and a half, with that same weapon being held by the Prime Minister.

“We know that Australia is exporting military equipment and weapons to Israel from drone engines and military steel to parts of the F35 fighter jet. But this DroneGun is another stark example of the depth of the two way arms trade between the two countries.

“The ICJ has called on all countries to cut any trade with Israel that entrenches the occupation of Palestine, this must include all weapons and military equipment.

“We can expect that the Labor government will continue to gaslight the Australian public and claim that the Australian-made DroneGun used by the Israeli military and modelled by Prime Minister Albanese is not a weapon and when they say that, their credibility will only further erode.

“Instead of following the ICJ ruling the Albanese Labor Government is entrenching the two-way arms trade with Israel. 

“The actions of the Albanese Government unequivocally embolden Israel to continue the genocide and apartheid in Palestine.”

Israel  Defense Force soldier with DroneGun Mk4 and RfPatrol
Israeli soldier with DroneGun Mk4 and RfPatrol (source: DroneShield)
 Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese holding DroneShield DroneGun Mk4, a handheld counterdrone system, with DroneShield US CEO Matt McCrann (far right), at the White House complex in Washington DC
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese holding DroneShield DroneGun Mk4, a handheld counterdrone system, with DroneShield US CEO Matt McCrann (far right), at the White House complex in Washington DC (source: DroneShield)


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