Funding cuts to disability advocacy groups in NSW will rob community of their voice


Monday, 27 November 201

Australian Greens Disability services spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said a decision by the NSW government to withdraw funding for disability advocacy groups, leaving responsibility with the NDIS, would rob many in the community of their voice.

“A number of disability advocacy groups in NSW have indicated they may be forced to close, should their funding be discontinued under the state government. The institutional knowledge built up in these organisations over decades advocating of behalf of people living with a disability is invaluable, so to even consider stripping them of their funding is a complete disgrace,” Senator Steele-John said.

“I have both been a representative for, and received support from, disability advocacy organisations and can say from experience that they absolutely play a vital role in ensuring that the voices of people living with a disability are heard and acted on.

“This is a reckless move by the NSW government to remove this responsibility of supporting people living with a disability from their books, nothing more.

“The NDIS is the biggest expansion in social services since MediCare and has the potential to transform the lives of hundreds of people living with a disability, and their families, however it is not a silver bullet.

“Without the experience provided by advocacy organisations, the rollout of the NDIS in NSW will be compromised.”

Media contact:

Tim Oliver - 0448 316 387