Gina Rinehart and QLD Labor: prepare for a community backlash


Queensland Greens Senator Andrew Bartlett is warning Gina Rinehart and QLD Labor to prepare for the same community backlash that has all but killed the Adani Carmichael Mine in light of the GVK Hancock mining company’s proposal for a new coal mine in the Galilee Basin.

"Gina Rinehart and QLD Labor should prepare for their offices to be blockaded and flooded with calls of protest, and get ready to cop widespread public criticism if they continue to push their coal barrow.

The Premier and other Ministers are making it clear that they still support opening up the huge coal deposits in the Galilee Basin – which is not surprising, as fossil fuel companies continue to donate millions of dollars to both Labor and the LNP.

Just yesterday we saw a new lease given by the Queensland Labor government for a twenty-five-year extension in coal being taken out of the Boundary Hill mine for burning.

But Gina Rinehart's donations to the major parties won’t save her dreams of building new dirty coal mines for millions in profits while our local communities, environment, and economy suffer.

The community will not give up on pressuring the Queensland Labor government to kill their addiction to coal stone-dead.



Media Contact: Katinka Allom
0419 626 725