Gov must pass Greens COVID leave bill, Labor must firm up on JobKeeper 2.0


Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, said with the situation in Victoria changing by the hour, people deserved clarity from the Government and Labor about their position on Paid Pandemic Leave and JobKeeper 2.0.

On today's Insiders, it was revealed that the PM is considering implementing Paid Pandemic Leave, a vital work safety net called for by the union movement and Greens since March. The Greens have a bill for 14 days paid COVID leave currently before the Senate.

Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers also indicated that Labor may have abandoned their calls to cut JobKeeper for part-time workers, given the likelihood of Victoria facing further restrictions.

"With Victoria facing tougher restrictions, there's no time for sitting on the fence. Scott Morrison needs to decide whether he wants sick workers to be able to stay home, and Labor needs to figure out whether they’ll support the Liberals cutting the rate of JobKeeper," Adam Bandt MP said.

"I’m pleased that Labor has started to listen to the Greens and community by backtracking on their calls for JobKeeper to be cut to people previously earning less than $1,500 a fortnight.

"Labor now needs to get off the fence and commit to joining the Greens in blocking cuts for part-timers and low-paid workers.

"Time is short and we also need to ensure that people who have coronavirus symptoms aren't forced to make the choice between paying the bills and following health advice. We need paid pandemic leave now.

"I've written to the Prime Minister calling for time when Parliament resumes to pass the Greens bill to give 14 days of paid sick leave to everyone, including the 3.3 million workers currently without any paid leave entitlements.

"If Liberal and Labor support it, the Fair Work Amendment (COVID 19) Bill can be passed as soon as parliament resumes, either physically or virtually.

"Unprecedented times require quick action. It's very welcome that Labor and Liberal are starting to shift, but we need a firm commitment now from both parties to support paid pandemic leave and the existing rate of JobKeeper."