Government could be sued for ignoring water laws for Adani


Greens mining spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters says the Government should be sued for ignoring water laws for Adani’s 12.5 billion litre water pipeline, unless the Environment Minister intervenes today and requires a full environmental impact assessment.

“We learned three weeks ago that this Government had done yet another special deal for Adani, exempting them from water laws despite their plans to suck out almost as much water as all the other users combined, from a drought-stricken region,” Senator Waters said. 

“Today we learn that even the Water Department thought the water impacts were significant and required assessment – but the so-called Environment Department ignored this advice in favour of Liberal Party donors. 

“The Environment Minister didn’t even put her name to the decision – but she must now intervene and require the water impacts of sucking out 12.5billion litres of water to undergo a full environmental assessment. 

“If she won’t step in, the decision should be challenged in Court - and as a former environmental lawyer, I will support anyone who wants to do so. 

“This Government shows wanton neglect of our water, environment and climate in favour of Big Coal. Why don’t they just abolish parliament and have the Prime Minister report directly to the mining industry? 

“The Government has once again demonstrated why corporate donations to political parties must be banned. 

“Between 2014 and 2017, the LNP and Labor accepted $3.94 million from the Big Mining and Gas. 

“Until we get donations reform, the major parties will keep propping up the coal industry and their corporate donor mates at the expense of protecting our precious water resources.

“Nevertheless, people power will stop Adani – and the Greens proudly stand with the community working for a safe climate future for us all.”


Media Contact: Karina Natt 0419 626 725