Government must call independent and transparent review into health effects of glyphosate following Four Corners’ revelations: Greens


Following the ABC’s Four Corners investigation into glyphosate, the Greens Agriculture spokesperson Senator Janet Rice has called on the Coalition government to immediately instigate an independent and transparent review into the chemical’s impact on people’s health.

“The concerns over the safety of the chemical glyphosate raised by the World Health Organisation and now Cancer Council Australia are very serious. It is imperative that the Coalition government immediately instigate an independent and transparent review into the health effects of the chemical,” Senator Rice said.

“Four Corners’ investigation last night revealed deeply troubling behaviour by Bayer and Monsanto apparently covering up possible health impacts of glyphosate.”

“This review must also call on Bayer, the owner of RoundUp, to publicly release all of its internal science.”

“The fact that Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) does not consider a review is necessary does not give me any comfort. They are too close to the industry they regulate to be objective.”

“Croplife, the peak industry body which is also insisting no review is necessary, has donated $140,000 to the National Party and the Labor Party.”

“If the Coalition government fails to call an independent review, it will be because they are prioritising their big business donors over the health of our community.”

“I will continue to pursue this issue vigorously in the Parliament. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in Australia. People need to know whether it is safe.”