Government says a woman’s place is barefoot and pregnant in a renovated kitchen


Responding to the government’s decision to axe JobKeeper early in childcare, end free childcare and ignore the high rates of women losing work in industries like education, arts and hospitality, Greens Leader Adam Bandt accused the government of having a 1950’s anti-women’s approach to economic recovery.

“This government wants women to be barefoot and pregnant. For Scott Morrison, a woman’s place is in a renovated kitchen,” said Mr Bandt.

“Women are losing work faster, industries where women work more are suffering and women have been taking on an increased care load at home as well.

“Women work more in the industries the government is attacking and less in the ones the government is helping.

“As women start to look for paid work again in a bleak job market the one lifeline was free childcare, which allowed women to start to make some real choices about their working lives, but the government is now axing that.

“This pink-collar recession is hurting women and young people the most, and Scott Morrison is actively making things worse by withdrawing government support.

“It’s back to the 1950s with Scott Morrison as he actively restricts the choices available to women.

“The government’s approach to economic recovery is driven by a Neanderthal sexism that will hurt women.

“We need an economic recovery plan that invests in free childcare, education and the creative sectors as well as manufacturing and construction.”