Governments must account for process that allowed for destruction of sacred Pilbara site


Greens Spokesperson on First Nations issues Senator Rachel Siewert said:

“I am appalled and deeply upset for the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura people who have been treated with such blatant disregard and disrespect by the State Government and Rio Tinto.

“The State Government must account for the processes that allowed this to happen.

“I cannot imagine a European artefact of such cultural significance being destroyed like this."

Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The destruction of this sacred site highlights another one of the failings of Australia’s environment laws.

“The EPBC Act should be ensuring culturally significant sites are protected, not decimated by a big mining company.

“The Morrison Government wants to give mining giants and developers even more free rein to decimate our natural and cultural environment.

“It’s clear we need stronger laws, not weaker ones or we will continue to see our environment and sacred sites destroyed for big business.

"The EPBC Act is currently under review and the Greens will be fighting for greater protections for our precious natural and cultural world, backed by at least 68% of Australians who want the same.”