Governments must do more to end harmful LGBT+ conversion attempts: Greens


Following the release of the report into LGBT+ conversion attempts by La Trobe University, the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria, Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said governments must do more to stop these harmful practices.

"Gay and trans conversion practices are grounded in homophobia and transphobia. Conversion practices still exist in many forms across the country and are often insidiously hidden or dressed up as 'mentoring' or 'counselling'," Senator Rice said.

"These conversion practices are deeply harmful to LGBT+ people. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer young people already suffer worse mental health than their heterosexual and cisgender peers.

"LGBT+ people don't need to change, society needs to change. No LGBT+ person should be made to feel shame or fear on account of their sexual or gender identity.

"Governments must do more to end these insidious and harmful practices and provide proper mental health and support services to LGBT+ people and survivors of these conversion attempts.

"The Greens have always stood alongside LGBT+ people in the fight for equality and against discrimination. We will look closely at this report's recommendations to see what more we can do to support survivors of conversion attempts and put an end to these harmful practices."