Govt-stacked inquiry set for self-congratulations not action on Domestic Violence


The Greens have criticised the Morrison Government's plans for a stacked inquiry into domestic and family violence, saying more funding is needed for frontline services, not another inquiry which is designed to endorse the government's inadequate response to the national crisis. 

Greens Senate Leader and Spokesperson on Women, Senator Larissa Waters, said: 

“Setting up another inquiry is pretty insulting when this Government continues to ignore the findings of previous domestic violence inquiries, and two weeks ago colluded with Labor to shut down a Senate DV inquiry months early with no hearings or recommendations.

“Countless inquiries into DV have been held and the Morrison government keeps ignoring the recommendations.

“With 23 women killed by violence in Australia so far this year, it's time the government took action and properly funded frontline services so no survivor is turned away." 

“Sending this urgent issue to another inquiry, to a Committee which is government-dominated and excludes the Senate, shows the Government is desperate to sing its own praises because nobody else is.

"The Government has allocated just $150 million from the $1.1 billion package to addressing domestic and family violence – that is pittance when violence is at epidemic levels.

“This Government should not expect praise for promising miniscule funding increases that do not meet increased service demand and withholding the billions needed for effectively tackling domestic and family violence.

"The proposed terms of reference also ignore the difficulties many women experience in accessing the justice system. The Government must examine the legal impediments to safety, including the inadequacy of funding to the legal assistance sector which is making the situation worse for women suffering violence.

"Despite concerns regarding this latest inquiry, the Greens welcomed news that the Women's Safety Council will continue under the National Cabinet, and called on the government to prioritise coordination and resources to respond to the national crisis of violence against women. "