Govt’s funds for environment and tourism a drop in the ocean


The Morrison Government’s announcement today of $61.7m to ‘boost local tourism and preserve our environment’ is a drop in the ocean of what’s needed for a green recovery, the Greens say.

Greens Spokesperson for the Environment and Tourism Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“Australians want our environment protected more than ever. There is a win-win opportunity here, but again the Morrison Government has missed the mark.
“Our special nature spots and the green tourism industry needs real investment, not just the crumbs left over after the Coalition has given the bulk of support to the fossil fuel lobby. This announcement is an insult to the thousands of small businesses that rely on our beautiful beaches, forests and parks being protected and cared for.
“There are more jobs to be created in restoring and protecting our environment than wrecking it. Yet, this Government is putting more money into trashing things than caring for nature. With millions of people out of work, investing in a Green Recovery would be good for local jobs, good for our tourism and good for the environment.
“I visited Kangaroo Island this week, which was ravaged by fire over the summer, and it was very clear so much more is needed to restore the natural environment the premier tourist destination is known for. This announcement isn’t going to cut it for the bushfire hit areas or other tourism destinations where our pristine natural world is the main attraction.”

Greens Spokesperson for Oceans Peter Whish-Wilson said:
“$20 million dollars for our declining reefs is a drop in the ocean.
“It shows just how out of touch the Government really is that with everything we know about the declining health of our oceans, it is committing so little.
“Artificial reefs and an aquarium are Band-Aid solutions to an emergency.
“We need definitive action on climate change and our warming oceans.
“I want my grandchildren to see our marine life at the beach, not behind a glass window.”